Daily Bread hosts hundreds of volunteers who contribute more than 50,000 volunteer hours each year! We LOVE our volunteers so much, we hold a volunteer recognition event each year where volunteers are recognized for their tireless efforts advancing our mission. If you’d like to learn more about becoming a volunteer, please read the information below and then email at Volunteer@dailybreadinc.org
Volunteer Opportunities include:
Fresh Start Team (providing hygiene items and clean clothes, sorting & distributing mail, sorting donations)
Dining Facility (Meal Prep, Server, Greeter)
One-time projects in our Food Distribution Center (this is great for faith-based institutions, high schools, or social organizations who would like a one-time large group volunteer option)
Food Rescue (collecting donations from businesses and delivering to our Food Distribution Center)
Special Events
Interested in becoming a volunteer? Here is some important information to get you started:
FIRST TIME volunteers must complete a volunteer application form.
Once you complete the form,
Email the completed application to: ​volunteer@dailybreadinc.org
Mail the completed application to: Daily Bread Inc, Attn: Volunteer Coordinator - 815 East Fee Avenue, Melbourne, 32901
Drop off the completed application directly to our campus at: 815 East Fee Avenue, Melbourne, 32901
Once the application has been received, the Volunteer Coordinator will contact you and provide you opportunities (dates, times, area) to volunteer at.
Volunteers must be scheduled and may not “just drop-in” at any time.
Holidays, particularly Christmas and Thanksgiving are the most popular volunteer times. Please request volunteer hours on these days as soon as possible so that we may accommodate you.
Volunteers must agree to treat our clients with dignity and respect or they may be relieved of their volunteer duties.
All volunteers must sign a release of liability form and a confidentiality form before they can volunteer.
Volunteers must be 15 years of age or older (Holiday/Dignity Dining events are the exception)